Empowering small businesses to prevent waste

Archive February 2020

Posted February 24, 2020 by Okky Sari with 21 comments

Comparing Traditional Markets in Australia and Indonesia

Traditional market in Denpasar, Bali. Source: Bali Travel Hub

Traditional markets speak culture. They are a way of appreciating each individual country and what resources are valuable to them. In order to better understand culture and maintain an appreciation for the standard daily life of individuals from diverse countries. It helps to look at things or places that play a role in shaping the country. In this instance, traditional markets. In this article, I will explore the differences in traditional markets in both Australia and Indonesia, from an Australian perspective.

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Posted February 17, 2020 by Okky Sari with 21 comments

7 Kiat Menuju Galungan Minim Plastik

Umat Hindu di Bali merayakan Hari Raya Galungan di Desa Penglipuran, Bangli.
Sumber foto:

Sudah lama sekali saya memperhatikan, kemasan plastik itu terlalu masuk ke ranah spiritual kita. Lihat saja saat bersembahyang ke pura misalnya, canang-canang terbungkus plastik. Bahkan hingga sesajen yang kita haturkan memuat buah-buahan dan jajan-jajan yang juga dikemas oleh plastik. Saya paham, ketergantungan ini berawal dari keinginan agar sarana upacara tidak basah oleh hujan. Hingga tanpa sadar, kita menjadi terlalu nyaman dan lupa bahwa kita tidak perlu menggunakan kemasan plastik sebanyak itu. 

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Posted February 11, 2020 by Okky Sari with 21 comments

Burning rubbish: its effects on reproduction and fertility

​Burning waste. Source:

Indonesia is facing a crisis. A crisis which sees our health and our environment at risk. Large amounts of waste are being found all over the country and the only alternative for this waste to be eliminated is through burning it. Urgent education is needed, so that people can be aware of the severe health risks associated with it, and for people all around the world to stop producing excessive amounts of plastic. 

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Posted February 5, 2020 by Okky Sari with 21 comments

The impact of plastic on our health in the foreseeable future

Seabird is eating plastic litter in ocean. Source: National Geographic

Our world is rapidly developing, and the topic of waste management remains a prominent concern for our future. Countries who are aware of the damage plastic can do to the environment are making a conscious effort as a whole to reduce their usage. However, there are still many countries that lack the knowledge of the detrimental impact plastic is causing, and this is unfortunately putting a brake on much of the hard work that is currently in place to tackle environmental issues such as climate change. 

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